Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My children/Why Homeschooling?

(Taken when we had A's 4th birthday party. This photo was taken by C.)

(This photo was taken at the boy's soccer tournament. The girls were supposed to be cheering for the boys.)

(For Christmas 2007, C got his own drum set. Here he is playing at church.)

(C really likes to be active in sports and in addition to playing soccer for the home school team he also played basketball.)

(In 2007, C and J both got to play soccer for the home school team: the Crusaders)

(In 2005, J's painting was entered into an Art Competition.)

(J really enjoyed his time at the art competition, especially when he got to make a clay pot.)

(taken in 2005, before K took a class to learn how to knit.)

Well, you may all be asking yourselves, "Why in the world would she home school her children?"
I always rejected the idea right away, always made excuses as to why I would "NEVER" do it. My favorite excuse was, "I don't have the patience for it?" They say "never say never" for a reason.
Just before bringing A home from China in June of 2007, we were asking ourselves what we would do the following year. The children were attending a local Christian School and I was working in the office. My entire paycheck was going back to the school for tuition, sports fees, uniforms, lunches, etc. After looking at many options--none of them being home schooling--it was time to make a decision. I really felt lead one day to look into home schooling. I knew where the feeling was coming from but wanted to reject it. REALLY wanted to reject it. But after some prayer, investigation into curriculum, research about the laws for homeschooling in our state, and more prayer, I began to get excited about the idea.
It's kind of a funny story that when we asked the children about it they were all on board right away and I kept asking them, "Have you prayed about it?" They would say, "Yes! We did and we still want to do it!!" For about two weeks my response to them was, "Well, go pray some more!!" I was still in denial about what God was telling me to do.
After much prayer we made the decision to home school all of the kids. We named our homeschool: Soaring Eagles Academy. We had a little inspiration for choosing this name.
We know that the decision to home school was the right one. Although we have had a few trials and errors this year, we have drawn closer and have had a very good year.
I am currently very excited about getting prepared for next year. Researching curriculum can be very exciting and can give you a major headache all at the same time. In addition to researching curriculum I am also working on a new schedule for our day. I try to be very organized--it just doesn't always show through.
We have also been busy during the year with sports, extra curricular activities and much more.
The boys both played soccer for the home school team. C played basketball for them as well. C is getting ready to start baseball for the Parks and Rec and has taken drum lessons this year. J took an art class that he enjoyed very much. Ever since he was able to go to the Art competition in 4th grade, he has really enjoyed doing different art projects. The boys are also becoming more involved with their youth group at church. K did gymnastics for a few months then decided she would wait until the fall and get back into jazz classes. K also took a knitting class and made a couple of good friends. A is in gymnastics and is very much enjoying it. Needless to say, we do stay very busy and the kids have lots of social time.
I believe it is one of the greatest joys of my life that I am able to home school my children.

"Everything is possible for him who believes." Mark 9:23

1 comment:

Carla said...

the first year is the 2nd the 3rd, then the 4th (eh...what number am I on now?). ;)

I was fascinated by those Moms who did homeschool, always thinking "I wonder how they handle being with their kids 24/7?" Yeah, I found out. It's been a blessing, even if some days I just don't want to continue.

We finished up May 12th-ish (boys ended different days). As the school year began on June 1st, we've officially logged 6 days I think for 2008-2009. Only 174 to go....*sigh*