Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 35 in South Dakota

I went to PT again today. Oh my goodness!! For the first couple of hours after PT my legs and hips were like jello. I didn't realize that I was doing that much. Now this evening my right knee is killing me. : (
After PT I had to take Jake to the vet for his shots. It was the first time in all the years that I have had animals and taken them to the vet that I was asked if I would like them to give Jake a rattle snake venom vaccine. I was like. . . a what? They actually told me that it would not prevent him from being bitten by a rattle snake (oh, really?), just that if he is bitten, it will give us a little more time to get him help. I opted not to give him the shot. I figured that if I am out and about with Jake and we see a rattle snake, the vaccine won't do him much good if I have a heart attack and die on the spot. : )
Then this evening A had gymnastics. She is doing so well. She needs to work a little bit on her strength and confidence, but she is picking up a lot of new skills and is working hard.

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