Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Snowmen, Snowmen Everywhere!

As you can see by this small sample of our Christmas decorations. . .I like Snowmen!! We decided long ago that Santa Clause was not going to be the main focus of Christmas in our home. That does not mean you won't find a few Santa decorations (some of my most treasured ornaments are little Santa decorations given to me by a dear friend early in my marriage) or even a picture of the children with Santa their first Christmas. But because of this decision I began to focus on snowman decorations. I have collected quite a few over the years. I try to collect a few new ones each year.


Doug and Terrye said...

I just love snowmen! They are so round and frosty, what's not to like :) Sadly, we never have real ones down here in FL...but I can dream.

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

I love all of your of my favorite Christmas decorations!

We have alot in common...we are a homeschooling family and waiting on our 3rd child, our son from China, to come home to us!

Blessings to you and your family!