Friday, October 7, 2011

Days 204 -213 in South Dakota

Wednesday, September 28th through Friday, October 7th.
We are finally getting into a pretty good weekly schedule. I am discovering that having four children in three different schools is challenging. There is always something going on. Life is definitely not boring. Just busy.
The weather is getting cooler in the mornings. I have been opening the windows in the morning when it is cooler outside, then close them in the afternoon when it warms up. There has only been one day so far where I have really been tempted to turn on the heat, but I was determined not to do it yet. We had a really bad hail storm last night. That is one thing I have to get used to living here.
Last weekend Kurt, the girls and I went for a drive through Spearfish Canyon. It is really nice to drive through the canyon in the fall when the leaves are changing color. That is one thing that I miss about living in Pennsylvania. Autumn in Pennsylvania is truly beautiful.

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